About Us
Our ethos is and has always been to ‘go the extra mile’ for our clients. We are local people, charging local prices providing expert advice.

Our Story
Alderson Law LLP is a Northumbrian firm with its roots tracing back to 1836. Founded in its current form in 2013 from the merger of Alderson Dodds and Wholley Goodings and from its amalgamation with Hipkin & Co in 2015.
We work with clients across the North East from our offices in Morpeth and Blyth.
Our commitment to quality in the provision of our service to our clients is demonstrated by our attainment of The Law Society's LEXCEL Quality Standard.

Our legal practice is organised into three specialist teams providing Personal, Property and Family legal services.
We take pride in our client centered approach, our plain talking, and achieving the best possible outcome for all of our clients.
In an increasingly competitive environment we are committed to delivering a premier service built upon the personal relationships we are able to develop with our clients, and which often elude larger practices.
Our Vision
We know the value of professional advice provided by someone who is ‘on your side’, who is approachable, available and who cares for your case as if it were their own.
Don’t settle for less……
Welcome to Alderson Law LLP.
Client centered
Personal relationship
Quality service
Best possible outcome

The Team
Alderson Law undertook an Equality & Diversity survey in 2019 the details of which you can read here, as well as our Privacy policy and Cookie policy.